Photo use FAQ:

What do you mean by copyright?
It means that the photographs, articles and graphics on this site are the property of Petr Vaverka and cannot be used without permission.

Can I download the photographs/articles/graphics?
You may download and store them on your own machine for your own personal use - e.g. as a desktop wallpaper. You are not allowed to download them onto a machine that you do not own, e.g. machines in a school,  University or work etc., or load them onto a server.

Can I distribute the photograph
s/articles/graphics? e.g. send a friend a copy by email
They are for your personal use only, they must not be distributed, loaned, hired or sold to anyone else.

Can I use your photography in a some project?
If you want to use the material in your project, we would expect to be asked beforehand. In some cases we will give permission.

Can the photographs/articles/graphics be used on a CD-ROM?
You are not allowed to distribute them on any storage media.

Can the photographs be used in a screensaver?
The photos can be used to make a screensaver provided that the screensaver is for your own personal use. It must not be sold or distributed.

Can the photographs be used on my Web page?
The material on the Petr Vaverka site can not be used on any other Web pages directly or indirectly without our permission.